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OK check that - I'm shooting for tomorrow for the L.A. post. Limited internet access today.

Sorry again for the delay...


The L.A. concert was phenomenal! It was me and my husbands first time.This was the first concert he's ever been to sober It was a spirit-filled rush. After loosing my grandma, my husbands mother and father and 19 year old niece and being turned down for a habitat for humanity house all in the space of 22 months, I was feeling hopeless and full of anxiety. That concert was a breath of fresh air into my life my spirit and my marriage. Ecspecially when the song cry out to Jesus flashed the words HOPE,MERCY,GRACE and JESUS across the stage.
Thank You Third Day!


oh that was fun, boys. i had quite a delightful time, both talking to you before hand and during the concert.

being in the front row, i had a blast. you boys sure do know how to work a crowd.

kansas city is a strange town, that's for sure. but as said above, for true barbeque, you must go to oklahoma joe's. (i know, an oklahoman place in kansas?)

peace out, home fries. (i've always wanted to say that.)


"I'm a little dissapointed I didn't see any posting on the performances in LA and Phoenix. I saw you for the first time ever in Phoenix and I have to say, I was not let down. What was your opinion?"

Phoenix was awesome - see the entry below. I'm working on L.A. and should have that up by tomorrow.

"Creed question: Are you playing the intro?"


"Great to see King of Glory back on the set list! Can it stay 'til Knoxville, please?"

All I'll say is that if we're not doing "King of Glory" by the time we get to Knoxville it's because we've replaced it with something equally cool...


My new 3 favorite words....
"On to Nebraska"!!!!!!

i can't hardly wait!!!
thanks in advance for a great show!!!



Oh my gosh. My birthday is comming up soon so that was my b-day present to me by my folks. Yeah, I got 5th row seats!! I had to improvise on the orange Gomer shirts, and wear whatever orange I had.
I screamed really loud when Mac looked over in my direction when he wanted to see how many Gomers there were. I even jumped up and down and Mac looked at me with this very quizzical look!! I will never forget it!!
Sigh. I'm just used to the whole KCMO and KCK thing. Ususlly when someone says Kansas City, they mean Missouri!
Thanks for the rocking time last night!! Come back soon!!!!



I'm a little dissapointed I didn't see any posting on the performances in LA and Phoenix. I saw you for the first time ever in Phoenix and I have to say, I was not let down. What was your opinion?


What a show! Thank you for a remarkable show. May God continue to bless your ministry. This is the second time that I have had the pleasure of seeing you in concert and its one of the purest and most intense worship times I have experienced. Praise God! Thanks guys and Keep on Shining!


You guys were great last night. I brought my wife to the concert and I think she likes you guys even more now. She thought Mac was one of the best performers she has seen, ever.

The whole Kansas/Missouri thing is confusing. I've lived here for 6 years and I still don't get it.

If you want the best BBQ the next time you come through town check out Oklahoma Joe's at 43rd (I think)and Mission. The place is inside a gas station. It doesn't get better than that. My wife and I like it a lot. They also have an location in Olathe

Again you guys were great and it was great to worship with you last night.


Creed question: Are you playing the intro?
Great to see King of Glory back on the set list! Can it stay 'til Knoxville, please?


Thank you for such a great show and allowing a crowd of Christians to gather in one place to hear you. I first heard you guys when I watched the "Joshua" movie and bought the soundtrack. My wife and I have been fans ever since. King of Glory is just so beautiful and I thank you for playing it last night. What about a Christmas CD sometime? God be with you as you spread his word in your music and lives.


Thank you so much for an awesome show. Although the lights and effects were awesome, I have to admit my favorite section was all of you sitting on the stools just "jamming" away. I could have listened to that for hours (even the accoridan!). I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to see you in concert again because I was not going to be able to make it to the show but by the Grace of God and a few incredible sisters in christ, I was not only able to get to the show but experience a night that will stay joyous in my heart for a long, long time. Thank you again!

Daren Baldwin

Thanks for putting on a great concert. I was choosen to volenteer a the world vision table last night with Beth, the WV rep. I don't think we broke the 28,00 mark but it was really neet to see the response from people in the community. Thank you for making the WV ministry part of your tour.

You guys and DC*B did great last night. I've come to expect the presence of God in your concerts and I'm yet to be dissapointed. Keep pointing toward God (not just physically) and we'll keep coming to worship Him.

Peace and Grace,


PS. Next time you come to KC email me and I'll send you guys sine "Authentic" BBQ places.


It almost could go without saying that any trip to KC would be incomplete without the BBQ. What a cool story about the World Vision response.

I am glad to see "King of Glory" still making it on the set list. Still hoping for "Communion" to make it back. (I did a completely unscientific survey about the most wanted song in NYC and got "Innocent" as a response."


Yeah...sometimes we freak out here in KC when there isn't a note to let us know that the door may actually close. It gets pretty scary around here.

Thanks for coming through KC guys.


I'm confused. Third Day played at the Republican national convention right? I go to their page and found some great stuff on Habitat for humanity, and one.org etc and this page has a link to the onion. What gives? Have they had a change of heart (hopefully).


ribs after a show? shoot, i'd be down with that! ;)

any of y'all like teriyaki? :D

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